Political Economy of Race
Description: (Same as History M256C.) Seminar, four hours. Examination of historiography of history of capitalism and history of African diaspora, especially in their overlapping concerns with organization of race and racial states in contemporary world, development of modern imperialism--and emergence of global black resistance to both. Themes and topics considered may include capitalism and question of slavery; law, regulations, and legal pluralism in organization of markets and nations; uneven development and nature of black sovereignty; history of regimes of gender and sexuality in social and capital reproduction; modalities of capital accumulation and production of space; racial violence and territorial expansion; emancipation and growth of empire; history of finance capital and its discourses of debt; capitalism and history of anti-blackness; racism, neoliberalism, and governmentality; and emergence and content of black radical tradition and its critiques of racial capitalism. S/U or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0