Federal Indian Law I
Description: (Formerly numbered M267.) (Same as Law M267.) Lecture, three hours. Course M265A is enforced requisite to 265B. Overview of federal Indian law through study of cases and historical and contemporary materials. Basic conflicts among sovereign governments that dominate this area of law, especially conflicts over criminal, civil adjudicative, and regulatory jurisdiction. Special attention to status and sovereign powers of Indian nations as recognized under U.S. law, federal trust responsibility, and equal protection issues posed by federal and state legislation singling out Indian nations and tribal members. Federal statutory regimes regulating tribal gaming and child welfare included. Students gain critical understanding of basic tenets of Indian law, bases of tribal sovereignty, structure of federal-tribal relationship and its history, and sense of future directions courts, tribes, and Congress may take in addressing current legal issues in Indian country. In Progress grading (credit to be given only on completion of course 265B).
Units: 1.0
Units: 1.0