Human Evolution
Description: (Formerly numbered 7.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Required as preparation for both bachelor's degrees. Evolutionary processes and evolutionary past of human species. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
i took anthro7 with silk in 09w, and we had this guy as a guest lecturer one time when professor silk was gone at a conference. My adivce: take anthropology 7 with silk. She at least has a good enough grasp on the material to present it in a coherent fashion. This dude sounded like he was constantly struggling to think of the words in his next sentence - he would pause every few seconds to think of what to say next, and it just made him really painful to listen to. I usually go to silk's lectures, but if i had this guy i'm sure i would NEVER go to lecture, cause he sucks at lecturing. To be fair, he probably had to cover for her on short notice, and it wasn't even his own powerpoint that he was presenting, but like i said, its just painful listening to him talk. Professor silk doesn't add many brilliant insights to the material either (she mostly just goes over the improtant points in the reading) but her lectures flow, and you feel like you understand the material better after hearing her talk about it. My opinion is just based on one lecture, so it is kind of biased, but i'd definitely take the class with Silk if i had a choice.
i took anthro7 with silk in 09w, and we had this guy as a guest lecturer one time when professor silk was gone at a conference. My adivce: take anthropology 7 with silk. She at least has a good enough grasp on the material to present it in a coherent fashion. This dude sounded like he was constantly struggling to think of the words in his next sentence - he would pause every few seconds to think of what to say next, and it just made him really painful to listen to. I usually go to silk's lectures, but if i had this guy i'm sure i would NEVER go to lecture, cause he sucks at lecturing. To be fair, he probably had to cover for her on short notice, and it wasn't even his own powerpoint that he was presenting, but like i said, its just painful listening to him talk. Professor silk doesn't add many brilliant insights to the material either (she mostly just goes over the improtant points in the reading) but her lectures flow, and you feel like you understand the material better after hearing her talk about it. My opinion is just based on one lecture, so it is kind of biased, but i'd definitely take the class with Silk if i had a choice.
Most Helpful Review
The book for this course is his own, so the lectures are pretty much just the main points from each chapter. Consequently, you really only have to go to lecture or read the book so long as you really do one of them. Missing lectures in the beginning is no big deal, but in the second half of the course it can get you behind. The second half is all about the human lineage and recognizing fossils and such, so it gets a little boring, but it's also a lot more memorization then the first part. Overall, this class is cake as long as you read the book and/or go to lecture. Discussions were useless, but were required as 10% of your grade. Final's half, midterm's the rest. Both tests are all short answer questions, nothing really surprising. Overall a very fair professor and very easy class. Great GE. Take Anthro 7 with Boyd if you can.
The book for this course is his own, so the lectures are pretty much just the main points from each chapter. Consequently, you really only have to go to lecture or read the book so long as you really do one of them. Missing lectures in the beginning is no big deal, but in the second half of the course it can get you behind. The second half is all about the human lineage and recognizing fossils and such, so it gets a little boring, but it's also a lot more memorization then the first part. Overall, this class is cake as long as you read the book and/or go to lecture. Discussions were useless, but were required as 10% of your grade. Final's half, midterm's the rest. Both tests are all short answer questions, nothing really surprising. Overall a very fair professor and very easy class. Great GE. Take Anthro 7 with Boyd if you can.
Most Helpful Review
First let me just say that I got an A- on the midterm, i have gone to every class and done all the readings ahead of time. That said, professor coffing is the second worst prof. that i have had at ucla. When she is lecturing, it sounds like she is trying to be quiet because she is at the library. Her voice is so low and monotonous that i just about fall asleep everyday in the front row. The only reason that I did well on the midterm was because a lot of the material was the same as LS 15. I really feel sorry for those students that did not know the material ahead of time. She rushes so quickly through the important material that you do not have enough time to take good notes. If it weren't for Lecture Notes from Ackerman, I would be lost. She really makes no attempt to make the material interesting and she seems like she lacks a personality. I'm sure that she is a very smart person and she might be well trained in her field but she is not a great professor. You would be better off taking this course when it is taught by a different professor; just wait the extra quarter or whatever it takes.
First let me just say that I got an A- on the midterm, i have gone to every class and done all the readings ahead of time. That said, professor coffing is the second worst prof. that i have had at ucla. When she is lecturing, it sounds like she is trying to be quiet because she is at the library. Her voice is so low and monotonous that i just about fall asleep everyday in the front row. The only reason that I did well on the midterm was because a lot of the material was the same as LS 15. I really feel sorry for those students that did not know the material ahead of time. She rushes so quickly through the important material that you do not have enough time to take good notes. If it weren't for Lecture Notes from Ackerman, I would be lost. She really makes no attempt to make the material interesting and she seems like she lacks a personality. I'm sure that she is a very smart person and she might be well trained in her field but she is not a great professor. You would be better off taking this course when it is taught by a different professor; just wait the extra quarter or whatever it takes.
Most Helpful Review
First, the class itself. I took LS1 last quarter and decided I wanted to fufill my GE's with the easiest classes possible (at leats for Life Science). That is what I thought the class would be. While it is far easier than LS1, it is NOT and easy class. The material is interesting for a while, but not very applicable to anything unless you want to got into anthropology. My reccommendation, take this for a LS GE if you do better with short answer than you do multiple choice (his test are ALL short answer) and if you don't really care if you learn something super valuable for the future. Second, the prof...entertaining, though he gets a little out of control sometimes and talks very fast. By the lecture notes if they are avaliable but still GO TO LECTURE because they are very incomplete. Take you notes on the lecture notes because that way you will keep up and be able to write down the important info and not get hung up on the outline concepts. I would reccommend him, he cares about the students learning and seems to be very passionate about the subject.
First, the class itself. I took LS1 last quarter and decided I wanted to fufill my GE's with the easiest classes possible (at leats for Life Science). That is what I thought the class would be. While it is far easier than LS1, it is NOT and easy class. The material is interesting for a while, but not very applicable to anything unless you want to got into anthropology. My reccommendation, take this for a LS GE if you do better with short answer than you do multiple choice (his test are ALL short answer) and if you don't really care if you learn something super valuable for the future. Second, the prof...entertaining, though he gets a little out of control sometimes and talks very fast. By the lecture notes if they are avaliable but still GO TO LECTURE because they are very incomplete. Take you notes on the lecture notes because that way you will keep up and be able to write down the important info and not get hung up on the outline concepts. I would reccommend him, he cares about the students learning and seems to be very passionate about the subject.
Most Helpful Review
I took IDS 100A this past fall with her and on the up side, it was hands down the EASIEST class I've ever taken at UCLA. On the down side, she is the WORST professor I've ever had. This was the last class I needed for IDS and I've definitely had some inspiring professors. The professor is intensely cynical and is unbeliavably biased. She loathes all the big boys in development such as the IMF, WB, UN and presents her material with an utter hate for neoliberal economic policies. She digresses a lot, her lectures are unorganized and broad and she does not she offer any strong, objective, academic insight into core IDS subjects. Her exams are in multiple choice format/some short answer and are extremely easy; however, that's only because finding the correct answer is not hard since the exams are biased and it always ends up being the most cynical option. I think I would be ok with her if she was just another bad professor, but her one-sided analysis makes me dislike her more.
I took IDS 100A this past fall with her and on the up side, it was hands down the EASIEST class I've ever taken at UCLA. On the down side, she is the WORST professor I've ever had. This was the last class I needed for IDS and I've definitely had some inspiring professors. The professor is intensely cynical and is unbeliavably biased. She loathes all the big boys in development such as the IMF, WB, UN and presents her material with an utter hate for neoliberal economic policies. She digresses a lot, her lectures are unorganized and broad and she does not she offer any strong, objective, academic insight into core IDS subjects. Her exams are in multiple choice format/some short answer and are extremely easy; however, that's only because finding the correct answer is not hard since the exams are biased and it always ends up being the most cynical option. I think I would be ok with her if she was just another bad professor, but her one-sided analysis makes me dislike her more.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - Do not take this class. Manson is extremely unaccommodating and his lectures are impossible to follow. He was extremely rude to his students when they requested an only version of one of the midterms (due to concerns about the pandemic, immunocompromised students, international students living in their home countries, etc). It is pretty ironic that he spends so much time studying humans considering he does not care about his students. In terms of the class material, his lectures make no sense, are organized terribly, and are even worse in person. He obviously is educated on what he is teaching but it makes no sense to students without a deep background in evolution. Overall, I would never recommend this class to anyone, ever.
Winter 2022 - Do not take this class. Manson is extremely unaccommodating and his lectures are impossible to follow. He was extremely rude to his students when they requested an only version of one of the midterms (due to concerns about the pandemic, immunocompromised students, international students living in their home countries, etc). It is pretty ironic that he spends so much time studying humans considering he does not care about his students. In terms of the class material, his lectures make no sense, are organized terribly, and are even worse in person. He obviously is educated on what he is teaching but it makes no sense to students without a deep background in evolution. Overall, I would never recommend this class to anyone, ever.
Most Helpful Review
Professor Read is such a nice guy! His lectures can get a bit boring, but the subject matter is really boring. His tests are MORE than fair. You don't even have to read the book. As long as you go to lecture, you'll do fine in the class. I got the highest grade, so I'm not lying. The homework is a bit tedious and long and I didn't really see a point in it, but it's easy points and not difficult. I would definitely recommed him if you want to get a good grade. He's one of the easiet Anthro 7 professors there are.
Professor Read is such a nice guy! His lectures can get a bit boring, but the subject matter is really boring. His tests are MORE than fair. You don't even have to read the book. As long as you go to lecture, you'll do fine in the class. I got the highest grade, so I'm not lying. The homework is a bit tedious and long and I didn't really see a point in it, but it's easy points and not difficult. I would definitely recommed him if you want to get a good grade. He's one of the easiet Anthro 7 professors there are.
Most Helpful Review
Midterm is OK, but final is short but pretty hard. I ended with a C+ but definitely learned a lot because all I did is just memorized all the lecture slides. Bottom line, go ahead to take this class if you don't mind memorize shit load of material just like scerri's chem class!!!!
Midterm is OK, but final is short but pretty hard. I ended with a C+ but definitely learned a lot because all I did is just memorized all the lecture slides. Bottom line, go ahead to take this class if you don't mind memorize shit load of material just like scerri's chem class!!!!
Most Helpful Review
Anthro 7 is very interesting, but the material is hard to absorb all at once. As a professor, Silk is very organized and effective in teaching. Her lectures may be quite boring since she just reads off her power points. However, it is helpful that she puts it online and she has links on the webpage that are very useful. Take the class if you can handle a lot of reading and info. If you're lazy, forget about it!
Anthro 7 is very interesting, but the material is hard to absorb all at once. As a professor, Silk is very organized and effective in teaching. Her lectures may be quite boring since she just reads off her power points. However, it is helpful that she puts it online and she has links on the webpage that are very useful. Take the class if you can handle a lot of reading and info. If you're lazy, forget about it!