Careers in Anthropology
Description: Lecture, three hours. Overview of various career paths for students with degrees in anthropology. Helps students develop academic and professional skills in preparation for life after UCLA. Focus on ways in which one can apply anthropological concepts, research methodologies, and analytical skills to range of careers. Guest speakers discuss how they have applied their anthropology degrees to their work outside of academia. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - I had such high hopes for Prof. Loyd's course "Careers in Anthro" as an anthro major myself, but honestly the way she taught the course this fall quarter was not very engaging and the assignments consisted of very thorough research in anthro careers that was not at all related to the materials that guest lecturers discussed during the class. In addition, her graders are very, VERY meticulous when grading weekly assignments, which is really difficult bc losing 8 points or so literally brings your grade down SIGNIFICANTLY (like you won't be able to get an A if you lose more than 1 pt per each assignment). I haven't personally had issues with her, but I know that a few of my classmates brought up her grading system bc it isn't clear in the syllabus and there is no rubric for grading, and when they mentioned it to her apparently she was v dismissive towards their comments. honestly, just take the course if you need it for your major requirements bc all you do is listen to different guest lecturers every week, and submit a weekly assignment + final portfolio. otherwise, I wouldn't recommend her but it just sucks bc I was really looking forward to this class and was bummed by the way she treated students + her arbitrary grading scale.
Fall 2021 - I had such high hopes for Prof. Loyd's course "Careers in Anthro" as an anthro major myself, but honestly the way she taught the course this fall quarter was not very engaging and the assignments consisted of very thorough research in anthro careers that was not at all related to the materials that guest lecturers discussed during the class. In addition, her graders are very, VERY meticulous when grading weekly assignments, which is really difficult bc losing 8 points or so literally brings your grade down SIGNIFICANTLY (like you won't be able to get an A if you lose more than 1 pt per each assignment). I haven't personally had issues with her, but I know that a few of my classmates brought up her grading system bc it isn't clear in the syllabus and there is no rubric for grading, and when they mentioned it to her apparently she was v dismissive towards their comments. honestly, just take the course if you need it for your major requirements bc all you do is listen to different guest lecturers every week, and submit a weekly assignment + final portfolio. otherwise, I wouldn't recommend her but it just sucks bc I was really looking forward to this class and was bummed by the way she treated students + her arbitrary grading scale.