Pre-Columbian Art of Maya
Description: Lecture, three hours. Variable topics in medieval art that reflect interests of individual regular and/or visiting faculty members. May be repeated twice for credit. Concurrently scheduled with course C217B. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
I don't think Klein will ever teach Pre-Colombian Art of the Maya again, but this class was incredibly difficult for me, and I think for others too that aren't either obsessed with the Maya or really into Pre-Colombian art. Klein's area of expertise isn't Mayan art, which is impressive, because she spoke very eloquently and clearly on the subject. But the grade in this class consisted solely of three papers. These papers are graded very meticulously. It is very hard to get an A on them unless a Pre-Colombian savant. I usually get A to A+s on all of my papers, I am not a bad writer, but on Klein's papers I received flat Bs. The material is really more archeological than art historical. It is all very complicated to put together. I knew very little about Pre-Colombian art going in, and put a great deal of time and effort to understand the fascinating art of the Maya, but ultimately received my first B in an art history despite the time and effort. I wouldn't recommend upper division Klein unless you're passionate about Pre-Colombian art and history in some fashion or another, or you are knowledgeable in it to some degree.
I don't think Klein will ever teach Pre-Colombian Art of the Maya again, but this class was incredibly difficult for me, and I think for others too that aren't either obsessed with the Maya or really into Pre-Colombian art. Klein's area of expertise isn't Mayan art, which is impressive, because she spoke very eloquently and clearly on the subject. But the grade in this class consisted solely of three papers. These papers are graded very meticulously. It is very hard to get an A on them unless a Pre-Colombian savant. I usually get A to A+s on all of my papers, I am not a bad writer, but on Klein's papers I received flat Bs. The material is really more archeological than art historical. It is all very complicated to put together. I knew very little about Pre-Colombian art going in, and put a great deal of time and effort to understand the fascinating art of the Maya, but ultimately received my first B in an art history despite the time and effort. I wouldn't recommend upper division Klein unless you're passionate about Pre-Colombian art and history in some fashion or another, or you are knowledgeable in it to some degree.