Systems Biomodeling and Simulation Basics
Description: (Same as Computer Science M182.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; laboratory, two hours; outside study, five hours. Requisites: Life Sciences 30A and 30B, or Mathematics 3A and 3B, or 31A and 31B. Recommended requisite or corequisite: Mathematics 3C, 32A, or 32T. For undergraduate students in life, computational, engineering, and mathematical sciences. Active learning approach. Introduction to explicit modeling and simulation of dynamic biological systems. Basic methodology for transforming biology, biochemistry, and physiology into system diagrams, graphs, and mathematical expressions for studying their behavior. Structural models, formulated from basic conservation and mass action laws and feedback concepts, are further transformed into first-order differential equations, and implemented in simulation diagrams for quantifying and exploring biosystem properties. Examples show how to use these explicit models to gain clarity on nature of biosystem phenomena, and frame questions and explore new ideas for research. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - The professor is extremely unclear in both his lectures and in the textbook, he wrote that is mandatory for the class. There are no digital copies of the textbook. I took this class because of the BruinWalk Reviews but it was a scam. The exams of this class were not based of anything really covered in the class.
Fall 2021 - The professor is extremely unclear in both his lectures and in the textbook, he wrote that is mandatory for the class. There are no digital copies of the textbook. I took this class because of the BruinWalk Reviews but it was a scam. The exams of this class were not based of anything really covered in the class.