C&EE 244

Structural Reliability

Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Introduction to concepts and applications of structural reliability. Topics include computing first- and second-order estimates of failure probabilities of engineered systems, computing sensitivities of failure probabilities to assumed parameter values, measuring relative importance of random variables associated with systems, identifying relative advantages and disadvantages of various analytical reliability methods, using reliability tools to calibrate simplified building codes, and performing reliability calculations related to performance-based engineering. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 5.0
Easiness 3.0/ 5
Clarity 5.0/ 5
Workload 3.0/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2021 - A perspective of an undergraduate taking this graduate-level course: Note, I took this class during COVID, but that had little to no bearing on the quality/difficulty of the class. This class can be used to satisfy the CEE 110 requirement. Overall, it was a fun and challenging class that was doable even as an undergraduate junior-level transfer student. I feel what I've learnt is more relevant to what I'll be doing in the industry, and it gives me exposure of how non-ideal the real world is. I recommend you review probability and statistics (if you aren't already comfortable with it) from everything up to normal distributions since the class relies on probability and statistical concepts. Dr. Burton will review it briefly within the first couple of weeks, but it's pretty fast (again, if you're not comfortable with the concepts). This is a MATLAB heavy class. Not everything will be spoonfed to you like in M20, but you will be provided some pseudocode. This class doesn't have any pre-requisites, but you may be exposed to unfamiliar jargon; luckily, you can understand what they mean with a quick Google search. You should, however, know how to solve simple Statics problems. There is only one midterm exam (yay), but there is a final project in lieu of a final exam. You will have roughly 2-3 weeks to work on the project along with a partner. I suggest you start early because Dr. Burton will be going over some tips for the project, but you won't know how to apply those tips unless you've wrestled with the project a bit. TL;DR - Fun (and challenging) class, awesome Professor. Put in the work and ask questions, and you'll do fine. Also, MATLAB.
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