Biochemistry: Biosynthetic and Energy Metabolism and Its Regulation

Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour; tutorial, one hour. Requisite: course 153A or 153AH. Metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids, and lipids; photosynthetic metabolism and assimilation of inorganic nutrients; regulation of these processes. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 4.5
Easiness 2.5/ 5
Clarity 4.5/ 5
Workload 4.0/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - I've never left a review before on Bruinwalk, but came on here just to leave one for him. He's an incredible professor and if any of you are ever lucky to get the opportunity to take a class with him, please do it. He's incredibly intelligent, engaging, and humorous. He always walks into class every day with so much enthusiasm. It was so sweet to see him walk into class every day and greet us so happily. Sometimes, the class was recovering from a break or midterm week and weren't so cheerful in response, but he'd still keep his same energy. I would recommend going to his OHs. My plan was to attend as many as I could, but my schedule was hectic in the quarter and I really couldn't go at all. The topics I reviewed with him 1 on 1 in his office were the questions I got nearly all the points on on the midterms (~15 points each). Give him time to explain things, ask him questions in class. Ask him to repeat things. All of this will be so helpful in getting a good grade in this class and I know he's more than happy to repeat himself. He really loves this stuff and is gonna make you like the subject too if you give him a chance. It's really nice to run across a professor that makes a "scary" class feel so welcoming. Class is usually 5 days a week during the regular quarter, 2 are tutorial. I recommend going to all of the tutorial sessions because they really do help. He lectures off of slides and posts all of the slides online. I recommend audio-recording the lectures to listen to them afterwards, he often makes note of the things that are most important for the exams. He LOVES regulation, so really understand why pathways happen and when/why they'd slow down/stop. Understanding pathways like that will help you be successful in his class. He does run through the slides rather fast, but I just think it's because his brain works so fast lol. TAKE HIS CLASS! and participate! His exams are challenging, but, as weird as it sounds, they're almost fun. If you feel the exams are TOO difficult, it's okay because the avg gets curved to a ~ B. Talk to your classmates and share resources because as long as you guys are on the same page, I think you'll do fine.
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