History of Modern Thought
Description: (Formerly numbered General Education Clusters 21B.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Enforced requisite: course 21A. Limited to first-year freshmen. Introduction to key issues in humanities and social sciences through reading of prominent social theories of past four centuries. Consideration of writers from Rousseau and Wollstonecraft to Foucault and Beauvoir in historical context and from perspectives of academic specialties for which their work is fundamental. Letter grading.
Units: 6.0
Units: 6.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - I took the class the whole year and I am just entering the seminar quarter, but for sure this is worth it. You can get by with understanding the text but not reading if you don't want to, the class is difficult and certain professors are more clear than other but the TA is what matters, I had Twyla and Keil and they are both awesome! I didn't take quizzes my first quarter with Twyla but i did with Keil and I think it helped me understand more because I pushed myself to read more. It is FOR SURE worth it!!! I recommend and it is better than other GE clusters.
Fall 2016 - I took the class the whole year and I am just entering the seminar quarter, but for sure this is worth it. You can get by with understanding the text but not reading if you don't want to, the class is difficult and certain professors are more clear than other but the TA is what matters, I had Twyla and Keil and they are both awesome! I didn't take quizzes my first quarter with Twyla but i did with Keil and I think it helped me understand more because I pushed myself to read more. It is FOR SURE worth it!!! I recommend and it is better than other GE clusters.
Most Helpful Review
Soooo incredibly boring to have to listen to him lecture.. and this class is only an hour and 15 minutes long. I feel terrible writing this--he does seem to be really nice--it's just that after two brilliant, eloquent professors before him in fall quarter, his lectures are extrememly disappointing. I'm afraid my grades are dropping. He does not outline his lecture notes well on the powerpoints, and half the time you cannot understand his mumblings and ramblings. It takes a decent teacher to make a subject interesting if it is not already, and Porter lacks the coherent enthusiasm and passion for his teachings that would otherwise make this subject material possible to understand. He does not even post lecture notes BEFORE lectures. Impossible class to take effective notes/comprehend material well/stay awake.
Soooo incredibly boring to have to listen to him lecture.. and this class is only an hour and 15 minutes long. I feel terrible writing this--he does seem to be really nice--it's just that after two brilliant, eloquent professors before him in fall quarter, his lectures are extrememly disappointing. I'm afraid my grades are dropping. He does not outline his lecture notes well on the powerpoints, and half the time you cannot understand his mumblings and ramblings. It takes a decent teacher to make a subject interesting if it is not already, and Porter lacks the coherent enthusiasm and passion for his teachings that would otherwise make this subject material possible to understand. He does not even post lecture notes BEFORE lectures. Impossible class to take effective notes/comprehend material well/stay awake.