Never-Ending Stories: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Myth -- Special Topics
Description: (Formerly numbered General Education Clusters 30CW.) Seminar, three hours. Enforced requisite: course 30B. Limited to first-year freshmen. Topics may include myth and modern art (including literature, music, and film), myth and ritual, oral tradition and orality, myth and political ideology, myth and science, hero and trickster, and myths of creation. Satisfies Writing II requirement. Letter grading.
Units: 6.0
Units: 6.0
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Selling GE Cluster 30 (Perspectives on Myth) books: ~The Mabinogi and other Medieval Welsh Tales [ISBN: 9780520253964] ~Myths from Mesopotamia (including the Epic of Gilgamesh)[ISBN: 9780199538362] ~The Odyssey [ISBN: 0801882672] ~Sacred Narrative [ISBN: 9780520051928] ~Beowulf [ISBN: 9781400096220] ~The Iliad of Homer [ISBN: 9780226470498] ~A Writer's Reference (7th ed.) [ISBN: 9780312601430] ~The Heroic Ideal [ISBN: 9780786437863] I am willing to negotiate reasonable prices for these books. Email me at
Selling GE Cluster 30 (Perspectives on Myth) books: ~The Mabinogi and other Medieval Welsh Tales [ISBN: 9780520253964] ~Myths from Mesopotamia (including the Epic of Gilgamesh)[ISBN: 9780199538362] ~The Odyssey [ISBN: 0801882672] ~Sacred Narrative [ISBN: 9780520051928] ~Beowulf [ISBN: 9781400096220] ~The Iliad of Homer [ISBN: 9780226470498] ~A Writer's Reference (7th ed.) [ISBN: 9780312601430] ~The Heroic Ideal [ISBN: 9780786437863] I am willing to negotiate reasonable prices for these books. Email me at