Variable Topics: Medical Humanities in Comparative Contexts
Description: Seminar, three hours. Designed for juniors/seniors. Study and discussion of defined periods and approaches in medical humanities, giving pride of place to literary and cultural expressions in dialogue with other disciplines such as anthropology, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, or sociology. Consult Schedule of Classes for topics to be offered in specific term. May be repeated for credit with topic change. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - Medical humanities with Dr. Ciavolella is an interesting ride. Most of the other students probably don't give a shit about anything at all, but if you care to do the (lengthy, 50-100 pages a week) reading then this class can be incredibly interesting. It only meets once a week so it's best if you stay on top of your game with readings and writing assignments. The grading rubric was flexible. We decided as a class on 40% final paper, 50% weekly writing assignments (5 total), and 10% participation/attendance. Dr. Ciavolella wants all students to not be so concerned about grades as long as you are learning and coming to class. Dr. Ciavolella wants to encourage discussion, but he loves to lecture in this 3 hour seminar class. If you want to participate you can but most of the time he's the one talking. He has interesting things to say but it's much more Socratic method lecturing than he claims to want. He's incredibly helpful and wants all students to be engaged and succeed.
Fall 2016 - Medical humanities with Dr. Ciavolella is an interesting ride. Most of the other students probably don't give a shit about anything at all, but if you care to do the (lengthy, 50-100 pages a week) reading then this class can be incredibly interesting. It only meets once a week so it's best if you stay on top of your game with readings and writing assignments. The grading rubric was flexible. We decided as a class on 40% final paper, 50% weekly writing assignments (5 total), and 10% participation/attendance. Dr. Ciavolella wants all students to not be so concerned about grades as long as you are learning and coming to class. Dr. Ciavolella wants to encourage discussion, but he loves to lecture in this 3 hour seminar class. If you want to participate you can but most of the time he's the one talking. He has interesting things to say but it's much more Socratic method lecturing than he claims to want. He's incredibly helpful and wants all students to be engaged and succeed.