Description: Studio, six hours; outside study, six hours. For drawing, exploration of relationship between concept and image creation while fostering development of sound drawing and observation skills. For color, exploration of development of fundamental skills in mixing and applying pigments with brush on watercolor paper, as well as use of computer as tool for working with colors. Combination of painting and software to be predominant way of exploring and presenting ideas regarding color. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
I was in Color fall quarter and am now in Drawing (Desma 23). First quarter, I HATED the class and I hated being there. What's most important to know that I didn't know about Vasa's class is that neatness/accuracy are EXTREMELY important. Your lines and squares and colors must be accurate, neat and well-presented; he's very big on presentation. Color and Drawing are not your typical drawing classes: you won't be drawing vases and flowers and nude models. It's really about theory of fundamentals of color and drawing, i.e. percentage of hue/saturation, vanishing point, etc. Only later in the class, at least in Drawing, do you actually apply what you learn from your previous drawing/Illustrator exercises onto an actual drawing. The classes are a bit dry, but Vasa himself is a color/drawing machine and a character in himself. You definitely learn to like him after at least a quarter.
I was in Color fall quarter and am now in Drawing (Desma 23). First quarter, I HATED the class and I hated being there. What's most important to know that I didn't know about Vasa's class is that neatness/accuracy are EXTREMELY important. Your lines and squares and colors must be accurate, neat and well-presented; he's very big on presentation. Color and Drawing are not your typical drawing classes: you won't be drawing vases and flowers and nude models. It's really about theory of fundamentals of color and drawing, i.e. percentage of hue/saturation, vanishing point, etc. Only later in the class, at least in Drawing, do you actually apply what you learn from your previous drawing/Illustrator exercises onto an actual drawing. The classes are a bit dry, but Vasa himself is a color/drawing machine and a character in himself. You definitely learn to like him after at least a quarter.