Perspectives on Autism and Neurodiversity
Description: (Same as Psychology M139.) Seminar, three and one half hours. Genealogy of autism as diagnostic category and cultural phenomenon from its historical roots as new, rare, and obscure condition in early 1940s to its current contested status as minority identity and/or global epidemic. Examination of material sourced from various fields and disciplines invested in autism, including psychology, neuroscience, arts and humanities, popular media, anthropology, activism, and critical autism studies. Students encounter and analyze multiple perspectives on autism and put them in conversation with one another. Attention paid to way people on spectrum define, explain, and represent their own experiences of autism and discussion of what ramifications of these multiple framings are in context of autism intervention strategy and disability policy today. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - ~Autism through the eyes of a rich white woman~ Judy Mark has to be one of the worst professors I have had at UCLA. She has no understanding of what it means to be a working student and repeatedly told her students they need to be putting school over their jobs (sorry but school isn't keeping us all fed and paying for doctors bills), pretty much avoided ever talking about socioeconomic and race intersections except for when she had one black speaker to prove shes not ~racist~ and thought it was totally okay to make fun of a students PTSD and then refuse an apology. Honestly was disappointed as hell with the disability studies dept after taking this nightmare professor.
Fall 2019 - ~Autism through the eyes of a rich white woman~ Judy Mark has to be one of the worst professors I have had at UCLA. She has no understanding of what it means to be a working student and repeatedly told her students they need to be putting school over their jobs (sorry but school isn't keeping us all fed and paying for doctors bills), pretty much avoided ever talking about socioeconomic and race intersections except for when she had one black speaker to prove shes not ~racist~ and thought it was totally okay to make fun of a students PTSD and then refuse an apology. Honestly was disappointed as hell with the disability studies dept after taking this nightmare professor.
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2020 - Christine worked with me as a counselor off campus in some company for people with disabilities, her co workers confessed that the entire company was conspiring to murder me with false psychiatric accusations. I have a terminal illness and she conspired to murder me by covering up my terminal disease as schizophrenia and murdering me with injections intended to kill me.
Summer 2020 - Christine worked with me as a counselor off campus in some company for people with disabilities, her co workers confessed that the entire company was conspiring to murder me with false psychiatric accusations. I have a terminal illness and she conspired to murder me by covering up my terminal disease as schizophrenia and murdering me with injections intended to kill me.