Data Communications and Telecommunication Networks
Description: (Formerly numbered Electrical Engineering 132B.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, seven hours. Enforced requisite: course 131A. Layered communications architectures. Queueing system modeling and analysis. Error control, flow and congestion control. Packet switching, circuit switching, and routing. Network performance analysis and design. Multiple-access communications: TDMA, FDMA, polling, random access. Local, metropolitan, wide area, integrated services networks. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - After reading all those "great" reviews for this class, I thought its a good choice to take ECE 132B as one of my ECE elective class, but I can't describe how awful this class was. Imagine someone just reads you the powerpoint in slow motion and jumping around talking about unnecessary topics, then having a hw at the end of a week which is totally irrelevant to what it was thought in lectures. Btw there is no drop hw in this class, so if you f*ckup one or miss one, you lose hell lot of points in overall grade. Finally exams are the worst and impossible to pass. My advise: even though 'telecommunication' sounds interesting, this class is far away from being interesting and useful, so don't waste your time on taking ECE 132B and try whole quarter to pass the class, just take something you truly like or an easy A to boost up your GPA.
Fall 2020 - After reading all those "great" reviews for this class, I thought its a good choice to take ECE 132B as one of my ECE elective class, but I can't describe how awful this class was. Imagine someone just reads you the powerpoint in slow motion and jumping around talking about unnecessary topics, then having a hw at the end of a week which is totally irrelevant to what it was thought in lectures. Btw there is no drop hw in this class, so if you f*ckup one or miss one, you lose hell lot of points in overall grade. Finally exams are the worst and impossible to pass. My advise: even though 'telecommunication' sounds interesting, this class is far away from being interesting and useful, so don't waste your time on taking ECE 132B and try whole quarter to pass the class, just take something you truly like or an easy A to boost up your GPA.