Linear Dynamic Systems
Description: (Formerly numbered Electrical Engineering M240A.) (Same as Chemical Engineering M280A and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering M270A.) Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course 141 or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 171A. State-space description of linear time-invariant (LTI) and time-varying (LTV) systems in continuous and discrete time. Linear algebra concepts such as eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular values, Cayley/Hamilton theorem, Jordan form; solution of state equations; stability, controllability, observability, realizability, and minimality. Stabilization design via state feedback and observers; separation principle. Connections with transfer function techniques. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
33A: The only reason I know anything about linear algebra is because of the MIT online lectures. His lectures were really hard to follow and unless you're willing to do a lot of extra work on your own, I wouldn't recommend taking his class. Also, the homework doesn't help at all and the final we had was just TONS of BS. tl;dr don't take his class
33A: The only reason I know anything about linear algebra is because of the MIT online lectures. His lectures were really hard to follow and unless you're willing to do a lot of extra work on your own, I wouldn't recommend taking his class. Also, the homework doesn't help at all and the final we had was just TONS of BS. tl;dr don't take his class