Culture, Communications, and Human Development Research Group Seminars
Description: (Same as African American Studies M194C.) Seminar, three hours; laboratory, two hours (when scheduled). Research seminar designed to provide opportunity to combine theory and practice in study of human development in educational contexts. Focus on relationship between theories of development, culture, and technologies. May be taken independently for credit. Letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
Awesome professor! The class itself is a lot of work (a lot of papers and field notes!) but its fun. We get to go to a school site once a week and interact with the kids there. Then write a 5 page summary of your interactions (seems like a lot but its doable). Final paper is a group paper and that is pretty much your grade. except, they dont believe in grades! As long as you do all your work, you got an A (plus its 7-8 units cuz you gotta take it with 182/183).
Awesome professor! The class itself is a lot of work (a lot of papers and field notes!) but its fun. We get to go to a school site once a week and interact with the kids there. Then write a 5 page summary of your interactions (seems like a lot but its doable). Final paper is a group paper and that is pretty much your grade. except, they dont believe in grades! As long as you do all your work, you got an A (plus its 7-8 units cuz you gotta take it with 182/183).