Culture, Brain, and Development

Description: (Same as Anthropology M256.) Seminar, three hours. Examination of ongoing movement to reclaim and reimagine schooling as site to sustain indigenous, black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander communities, including ways these identities/memberships intersect with gender identity and expression, sexuality, dis/ability, language, migration, place, class, and more. For centuries of teaching and learning, communities have sought to push against ways nation-state schools have devalued communities, their lifeways, and their lives. Most recently, this movement is indebted to several decades of research, theory, and practice in asset or strength-based pedagogy tradition. Work on culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) has joined these decades (and centuries) of work to offer vision of school that seeks to perpetuate and foster--to sustain--linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism as part of schooling for positive social transformation and revitalization. S/U or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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