Biological Modeling: Mathematical and Computational Approaches

Description: (Same as Computational and Systems Biology M150.) Lecture, four hours; laboratory, three hours. Requisites: Life Sciences 7A, 7B, 7C, Mathematics 33A and 33B, with grades of C or better. Recommended Requisites: Physics 1A, 1B, and 1C, or 5A, 5B, and 5C, with grades of C or better. Students learn how to translate their biological knowledge and intuition into mathematical equations and computer simulations, and how to interpret and glean biological insights from quantitative results and predictions. Review and integration of core mathematical and computational approaches in novel ways. Students gain experience translating and intuition about systems through many examples across range of biological levels, such as predator-prey, disease transmission, cancer initiation, cell migration, neural systems, vascular networks, sleep, drug interactions, gene expression, and more. Students learn how to manipulate data, basics of coding, and how to instantiate their mathematical models and biological intuition through numerical solutions and simulations. Letter grading.

Units: 5.0
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Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
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