Lesbian and Gay Literature before Stonewall
Description: (Same as Gender Studies M105A and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies M101A.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Enforced requisite: English Composition 3. Survey of discrete period of queer literature from beginning to circa 1850. Works by such writers as Sappho, Plato, Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Thomas Gray may be included. May be repeated for credit with topic or instructor change. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
i had professor little for both shakespeare later plays and gay lit, i enjoyed him and his tests we generally fair but he is really disorganized, but yes he was late every single day, and yes his blatant favoritism was out of control. and for his little award ceremony on the last day, i wanted to walk out. he actually made the rest of the class clap for the students he gave the automatic A, i thought it was totally demoralizing for the rest of the class not to mention totally ridiculous.
i had professor little for both shakespeare later plays and gay lit, i enjoyed him and his tests we generally fair but he is really disorganized, but yes he was late every single day, and yes his blatant favoritism was out of control. and for his little award ceremony on the last day, i wanted to walk out. he actually made the rest of the class clap for the students he gave the automatic A, i thought it was totally demoralizing for the rest of the class not to mention totally ridiculous.