Ethical Negotiation in Technology

Description: Lecture, five hours; discussion, three hours; outside study, four hours. Requisite: English Composition 3. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 182EW, 183EW, or 185EW. Focuses on changing nature of technology and complex ethical issues that emerge as result in areas such as biotechnology, information technology, nanotechnology, and energy technology. Discussion of nature of these issues; their ethical, legal, and social ramifications; and what society values in relation to these issues. Exploration of philosophy, religion, and natural and social sciences in relation to these issues. Emphasis on research and writing within engineering environments. Writing and revision of about 20 pages total, including two individual technical essays and one team-written research report. Readings address technical issues and writing form. Satisfies engineering writing requirement. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
1 of 1
Overall Rating 5.0
Easiness 5.0/ 5
Clarity 5.0/ 5
Workload 4.0/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
1 of 1

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