Introduction to Earth Science

Description: Lecture, three hours; laboratory, two hours; field days. Not open to students with credit for or currently enrolled in course 100. Elements of Earth science; study of Earth materials; nature and interpretation of geologic evidence; study of geologic processes; historical aspects of geology. Mandatory field trips introduce students to solving of geologic problems in field. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 5.0
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Overall Rating 3.8
Easiness 2.0/ 5
Clarity 3.8/ 5
Workload 2.4/ 5
Helpfulness 4.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
He seems really nice, but I had so much trouble listening to his lectures. Luckily, he posts his notes online, and that's really all I studied. The book is almost completely useless, so I suggest if you don't want to spend money, don't buy the book. Honestly, I only studied the lecture notes the night before and I felt so unprepared. And when you take the test, trust me. You will feel unprepared. I walked out of each midterm feeling like I got destroyed. But thank god for the curve. I received 66/100 on each midterm and got an A- for both. But to be honest...I don't even know how I got a 66. I felt like I knew probably 2 out of the 50 questions. The labs are pretty tiring, and the lab final is difficult as well. But it's curved! I got a 75 on the lab final if I remember correctly and have no clue what I received on the final. Got an A overall. One word of advice: go to SAC. They only have the final, but the final I took and the final I got from SAC were almost EXACTLY the same. I'm not sure if he'll do it again, but it won't hurt to study that exam. But to give you insight on how difficult the final was, even when I worked on the practice final with the internet, with the book, and with his lecture notes...I only could be sure of about 60% of the answers. so...I don't know if you want to take the class and bet on the curve. But the curve was INSANE. so it's not that much of a gamble. The professor's a nice guy...but I had trouble learning. What saved me was his generosity with the curve and that's all I can say about Professor Bird.
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