Advanced Computing in Geosciences

Description: Lecture, three hours; laboratory, three hours. Enforced requisites: course 71, Mathematics 3A, 3B, and 3C (or 31A and 31B). Original programming and application of software to generate and test hypotheses with nonideal or incomplete data sets. Interpolation/extrapolation with graphics to generate hypotheses; forward modeling from fundamental equations to explore implications; probabilistic testing of models against data. Examples and exercises from Earth and space sciences. Introduction to software used in research and industry. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating 2.0
Easiness 1.0/ 5
Clarity 1.0/ 5
Workload 1.0/ 5
Helpfulness 2.0/ 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
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