Earth Process and Evolutionary History
Description: (Same as Ecology and Evolutionary Biology CM228.) Lecture, four hours; laboratory, three hours. Requisites: Chemistry 14A, 14B (or 20A, 20B), Life Sciences 1, 2, 3, and 4, or 7A, 7B, and 7C (or 7A and introductory course in geology). Exploration of relationship between physical processes, such as tectonics and climate, and how they affect surface and impact biology of Earth. Study of evolution of universe, Earth, and life, with integration of history of science, including Darwinian evolution and plate tectonics revolutions. Study of formation of matter offers tools to understand geologic process of climate and ecology of Earth. Past climate change to examine expected future human-influenced climate. Consideration of major events in history of life on Earth. Data and methods from geology, genetics, and geochemistry are integrated to reconstruct past events. This reveals how Earth processes shaped life and how life shaped Earth. Concurrently scheduled with course CM173. Letter grading.
Units: 6.0
Units: 6.0