GEOG 145
Landscape and American Dreams
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours (when scheduled); reading period, one hour. Offered either as 4-unit course without discussion sessions or 5-unit course with discussion sessions. Requisite: one course from 3, 4, Anthropology 3, Gender Studies 10, or Sociology 1. Limited to juniors/seniors. Exploration of how, why, and to what ends human trafficking has been conceptualized as global problem that warrants international response. Examination of recent activist, governmental, scholarly, and media responses, and reflection on what is and is not accomplished by them. Questions of human trafficking are implicitly geographical, requiring consideration of ways freedom is spatially defined and how movement across borders is encouraged and regulated. How questions of labor, migration, sexuality, rights, ethics, embodiment, representation, and governance pertain to human trafficking. What people mean when they speak of human trafficking as slavery. Meanings of slavery and freedom in world today using examples from U.S. and Europe, with focus on Philippines as case study for exploring both contemporary examples and historical forms of enslavement. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
What a truly great professor. It isn't often that you are fortunate enough to have a professor who is truly passionate towards the subject he teaches and his students. Go to each and every class, take detailed notes. He doesn't allow electronics in his class, so you'll have to take notes the old fashioned way, but this is so effective when it comes to truly understanding the material. Review your notes, make sure to do the class readings, and apply the material to everyday life. His tests are written, and although the reader is strict, Wilford is very lenient when grading. Really enjoyed this class!
What a truly great professor. It isn't often that you are fortunate enough to have a professor who is truly passionate towards the subject he teaches and his students. Go to each and every class, take detailed notes. He doesn't allow electronics in his class, so you'll have to take notes the old fashioned way, but this is so effective when it comes to truly understanding the material. Review your notes, make sure to do the class readings, and apply the material to everyday life. His tests are written, and although the reader is strict, Wilford is very lenient when grading. Really enjoyed this class!