GEOG 152
Cities of Europe
Description: Lecture, three hours; reading period, one hour. Limited to juniors/seniors. Urbanization of Europe, growth of city systems and internal spatial structure, functions, and geographic problems of contemporary European cities. Particular attention to historical development and landscapes of capital cities such as Rome, Paris, and Berlin. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
What an amazing Professor! At first I was a bit intimidated by his reading load, which was huge, but it tolerable in light of the lectures. The lectures not only are informative, but with his dry English wit are hilarous. He is very concerned that you understand and he is open to questions. It is obvious is is quite liberal in his views, and he does have an opinion, though he does not ram it down your throat. If you have interest in Europe at all, this class will be beneficial to you, plus you will get to take a course from one of UCLA's finest!
What an amazing Professor! At first I was a bit intimidated by his reading load, which was huge, but it tolerable in light of the lectures. The lectures not only are informative, but with his dry English wit are hilarous. He is very concerned that you understand and he is open to questions. It is obvious is is quite liberal in his views, and he does have an opinion, though he does not ram it down your throat. If you have interest in Europe at all, this class will be beneficial to you, plus you will get to take a course from one of UCLA's finest!
Most Helpful Review
Took him for Cities of Europe. If you don't already know quite a bit about Europe then you're going to be a lost, well at least I was. There is no textbook, just lots of photocopied chapters from books. The whole class is pretty unstructured and unorganized. Nothing in the class seems to connect. Many students just never know what he is talking about. I wouldn't suggest this course at all, sounds a lot better than it even comes close to being.
Took him for Cities of Europe. If you don't already know quite a bit about Europe then you're going to be a lost, well at least I was. There is no textbook, just lots of photocopied chapters from books. The whole class is pretty unstructured and unorganized. Nothing in the class seems to connect. Many students just never know what he is talking about. I wouldn't suggest this course at all, sounds a lot better than it even comes close to being.