Holocaust: History and Memory
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Holocaust, murder of six million Jews by Germans in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II, is one of crucial events of modern history. Examination of origins of Holocaust, perpetrators and victims, and changing efforts to come to terms with this genocide. Exploration of forces that led to Holocaust, including emergence of scientific racism, anti-Semitism, and machinery of modern state. Consideration of debates about implementation of genocide, including significance of gender and sexuality, relationship between war and genocide, meanings of resistance and culpability, and political and philosophical implications of Holocaust. Exploration of how genocide of European Jewry was intertwined with targeting of other victims of Nazi rule, including Roma, Slavs, black Germans, disabled, homosexuals, and political opponents of National Socialism. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2017 - Professor Stein is an amazing, engaging lecturer and she is really passionate about the matterial she teaches. This reflects in her lectures as she gives amazing insight into the Holocaust in a way that keeps students engaged! The midterm and final are structured very simply and it does not take too much effort to get a decent grade. There are also two papers in which you can choose between two prompts and answer accordingly. There are weekly readings that may be a bit much at times but definitely not difficult to handle and very engaging. This has been my favorite class and I would gladly take it with Professor Stein again.
Winter 2017 - Professor Stein is an amazing, engaging lecturer and she is really passionate about the matterial she teaches. This reflects in her lectures as she gives amazing insight into the Holocaust in a way that keeps students engaged! The midterm and final are structured very simply and it does not take too much effort to get a decent grade. There are also two papers in which you can choose between two prompts and answer accordingly. There are weekly readings that may be a bit much at times but definitely not difficult to handle and very engaging. This has been my favorite class and I would gladly take it with Professor Stein again.