I A STD 110B

Field Studies in International and Area Studies

Description: Seminar, three hours. Exploration of culture, economy, history, and politics of important locations around world. Hands-on experiential programs offered for students participating in UCLA Travel Study Program. Field trips included to gain first-hand experience. May be repeated with topic and/or location change. Offered in summer only. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 5.0
Easiness 5.0/ 5
Clarity 5.0/ 5
Workload 5.0/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2015 - This was a ucla summer travel study to Hong Kong where you take 2 classes (International & Area Studies 100A and 100B) over the course of a month. 100B is all about learning how to develop a global business mindset and how to become an effective world business leader. With a focus on Asian economies and culture, you learn the importance of understanding importance aspects of a country in order to do business properly and best practices for going about learning the pros and cons of trying to do business in one country from another. The course is structured very well as he uses a lot of methods from how he teaches his business school classes through different case studies, site visits, and guest speakers coming to give first hand knowledge into doing business in Hong Kong and Asia. Professor Bob is very engaging and cares about each students' learning and development, and in my opinion the classes were probably one of the better parts of the entire study abroad because of the information covered and his passion/expertise for the topic. I am a sociology major who took this course to get some in-class, business school type knowledge and was not the only non-econ student in the class looking for similar opportunities. I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested in business and communication or those wanting to learn how to develop skills while expanding your mindset to a more global understanding of things. Definitely wish there were more programs like this.
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