Composition and Style
Description: Lecture, three hours. Enforced requisite: course 6. Taught in Italian. Development of writing techniques and proficiency in composition and style, with emphasis on editing for grammar and style. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Professor Tognozzi knows her stuff and conducts the course in a very systematic way that, when followed, helps her students to learn a lot. Come to class on time and prepared and everything will be fine. On the other hand, coming to class late without having read is the kiss of death. She's a smart woman, and she doesn't BS nor does she particularly enjoy it when her students give her BS. For the most part, she just keeps it real. The amount of time she puts into her students is directly proportional to the amount of time her students put into their work. Don't expect to get an A unless you really deserve it.
Professor Tognozzi knows her stuff and conducts the course in a very systematic way that, when followed, helps her students to learn a lot. Come to class on time and prepared and everything will be fine. On the other hand, coming to class late without having read is the kiss of death. She's a smart woman, and she doesn't BS nor does she particularly enjoy it when her students give her BS. For the most part, she just keeps it real. The amount of time she puts into her students is directly proportional to the amount of time her students put into their work. Don't expect to get an A unless you really deserve it.