Diffusion and Diffusion-Controlled Reactions
Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, seven hours. Enforced requisite: course 130 or Chemistry 110A. Diffusion in metals and ionic solids, nucleation and growth theory; precipitation from solid solution, eutectoid decomposition, design of heat treatment processes of alloys, growth of intermediate phases, gas-solid reactions, design of oxidation-resistant alloys, recrystallization, and grain growth. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Great professor. Goes through quickly but hey it's college so there's tons of teachers and tons of different teaching styles. I recommend Dunn, answers questions very thoroughly, even considers many interesting exceptions, very insightful. I like his short answer questions on his tests: very thought provoking and really makes you think/process the material and ensures that you understand the fundamental concepts. Advice: review review review!! Book is a bit dry but it's got lots of great points that help on the test
Great professor. Goes through quickly but hey it's college so there's tons of teachers and tons of different teaching styles. I recommend Dunn, answers questions very thoroughly, even considers many interesting exceptions, very insightful. I like his short answer questions on his tests: very thought provoking and really makes you think/process the material and ensures that you understand the fundamental concepts. Advice: review review review!! Book is a bit dry but it's got lots of great points that help on the test