MATH 134
Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: course 33B. Dynamical systems analysis of nonlinear systems of differential equations. One- and two- dimensional flows. Fixed points, limit cycles, and stability analysis. Bifurcations and normal forms. Elementary geometrical and topological results. Applications to problems in biology, chemistry, physics, and other fields. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - As a double major senior student in ECE and Applied math department, I have took more than 30 upper div classes in UCLA and I never felt this lost in any of my coding, engineering or math classes. The professor doesn't know what she's talking about and I noticed she got all her notes and hw set from Professor Killip's fall quarter. Basically her lectures were the worst lectures I have attended (so I stopped going to live lectures after week 3 and read the book instead) and the test are ridiculously long, time consuming, and hard. My advise as a UCLA Alumni : AVOID HER AT ALL COST EVEN IF SHES TEACHING BASIC ALGEBRA
Spring 2021 - As a double major senior student in ECE and Applied math department, I have took more than 30 upper div classes in UCLA and I never felt this lost in any of my coding, engineering or math classes. The professor doesn't know what she's talking about and I noticed she got all her notes and hw set from Professor Killip's fall quarter. Basically her lectures were the worst lectures I have attended (so I stopped going to live lectures after week 3 and read the book instead) and the test are ridiculously long, time consuming, and hard. My advise as a UCLA Alumni : AVOID HER AT ALL COST EVEN IF SHES TEACHING BASIC ALGEBRA
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - Ben's lectures are pretty clear but his homework is extremely difficult. Be prepared to spend 10+ hours a week working on a handful of problems and going to many office hours. His exams are tricky but easier than the homework. Requires you to be very familiar with precalc concepts. If you can't recall trig identities and function graphs like the back of your hand, I highly recommend brushing up.
Fall 2021 - Ben's lectures are pretty clear but his homework is extremely difficult. Be prepared to spend 10+ hours a week working on a handful of problems and going to many office hours. His exams are tricky but easier than the homework. Requires you to be very familiar with precalc concepts. If you can't recall trig identities and function graphs like the back of your hand, I highly recommend brushing up.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - If you are the type of math student who loves math and math is your everything, take Killip. However, if you’re a regular person who enjoyed math 33b and is excited to take an upper div differential equations class FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT!!! take Killip. For one, his homeworks take AGES. The material in the hw is next to impossible to do unless you attend every office hour, the lecture and textbook material are only slightly related. His exams expand on the homeworks that are already a huge LEAP from the things he lectures on. If you end up taking Killip, camp out in his and the TA’s OH to get those homework answers. Lecture will not help you.
Fall 2020 - If you are the type of math student who loves math and math is your everything, take Killip. However, if you’re a regular person who enjoyed math 33b and is excited to take an upper div differential equations class FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT!!! take Killip. For one, his homeworks take AGES. The material in the hw is next to impossible to do unless you attend every office hour, the lecture and textbook material are only slightly related. His exams expand on the homeworks that are already a huge LEAP from the things he lectures on. If you end up taking Killip, camp out in his and the TA’s OH to get those homework answers. Lecture will not help you.