Probability Theory
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Enforced requisites: courses 131A, 170A. Continuation of rigorous presentation of probability theory based on real analysis. Moments and generating functions; laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, and convergence in distribution; branching processes; random walks; Poisson and other random processes in continuous time. Advance topics in probability theory. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Antunovic was was of my favorite math professors at UCLA. He genuinely cared about his students and was very helpful during office hours. His exams were very challenging but doable if you truly understood the material. I liked that the emphasized theory so much in class because I actually understood the material and I am now able to use hose concepts when they come up in other classes, which they do a lot.
Antunovic was was of my favorite math professors at UCLA. He genuinely cared about his students and was very helpful during office hours. His exams were very challenging but doable if you truly understood the material. I liked that the emphasized theory so much in class because I actually understood the material and I am now able to use hose concepts when they come up in other classes, which they do a lot.
Most Helpful Review
So I thought I should do my part as a Math major to tell y'all about Caputo, because I wasn't informed about him when I first came to UCLA. I can tell that as a mathematician, he's very smart. He gives clear and good examples. His lectures are very thorough. The books he recommends are very advanced. He's made me more interested in Probability getting out of his class than when I first got in, and it's a shame that I didn't know him for 170A. (I had a horrible teacher for 170A and my knowledge was completely screwed up.) If you have him for Probability, I guarantee you'll have a more in depth understanding of the subject. Though I must warn you that he has a high expectation. His tests aren't so hard; they're all doable, I know that I screwed up in them because I'm not so smart when it comes to Probability. However, I still got an A, and it should show you how merciful he is. Some people would feel a little uncomfortable around him, because frankly, he's easily irritated. Sometimes I also think that he's favoring some students more than the others. Just to warn some people who are super sensitive. But if you're like me, you'd only care about the material and how much you can get out of a professor, not his temper, you should definitely take him; he'll be around when you have questions. Overall: if you want easy As ONLY, take Effros. If you want good grades (not easy As of course) and good knowledge, take Caputo. It's up to you.
So I thought I should do my part as a Math major to tell y'all about Caputo, because I wasn't informed about him when I first came to UCLA. I can tell that as a mathematician, he's very smart. He gives clear and good examples. His lectures are very thorough. The books he recommends are very advanced. He's made me more interested in Probability getting out of his class than when I first got in, and it's a shame that I didn't know him for 170A. (I had a horrible teacher for 170A and my knowledge was completely screwed up.) If you have him for Probability, I guarantee you'll have a more in depth understanding of the subject. Though I must warn you that he has a high expectation. His tests aren't so hard; they're all doable, I know that I screwed up in them because I'm not so smart when it comes to Probability. However, I still got an A, and it should show you how merciful he is. Some people would feel a little uncomfortable around him, because frankly, he's easily irritated. Sometimes I also think that he's favoring some students more than the others. Just to warn some people who are super sensitive. But if you're like me, you'd only care about the material and how much you can get out of a professor, not his temper, you should definitely take him; he'll be around when you have questions. Overall: if you want easy As ONLY, take Effros. If you want good grades (not easy As of course) and good knowledge, take Caputo. It's up to you.
Most Helpful Review
His midterms is tricky with a mean around 40's. 30 people dropped this class after the second midterms. The final is really hard. The book is hard to understand as well as the teacher. Take him if u're willing to self-study. Don't rely on him in understanding the material because he's so philosophical I guess.
His midterms is tricky with a mean around 40's. 30 people dropped this class after the second midterms. The final is really hard. The book is hard to understand as well as the teacher. Take him if u're willing to self-study. Don't rely on him in understanding the material because he's so philosophical I guess.