Integration and Infinite Series
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: course 31A with grade of C- or better. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 3B. Transcendental functions; methods and applications of integration; sequences and series. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - Andrews is a really great professor. His lectures are generally engaging and he does very useful examples in class. His tests are like the more difficult homework problems and are generally manageable. If you can do all the problems in the homework you'll be fine. His final was slightly more difficult but if you do enough practice, you'll be fine If you need the textbook for cheaper price, contact 310-913-6851
Fall 2016 - Andrews is a really great professor. His lectures are generally engaging and he does very useful examples in class. His tests are like the more difficult homework problems and are generally manageable. If you can do all the problems in the homework you'll be fine. His final was slightly more difficult but if you do enough practice, you'll be fine If you need the textbook for cheaper price, contact 310-913-6851
Most Helpful Review
Ascenbrenner is a really nice guy. The first day of the class, he tells you that the class is curved, and that scares the hell out of you because you know only a certain number of people will be getting A's and some people will definitely fail. But as you move along, it's not all that bad. He does a lot of proofs to try and get you to understand the math so you don't have to memorize any formulas. His tests were not really all that bad. I remember getting a question on the second midterm completely wrong because I flipped a minus sign to a plus sign, and I still got 9/10 points. Overall in the class, I had a test average of about 87% or 88%, and about 90% on the homework, and I ended up getting an A-. You'll end up learning a lot from him, and he's not really a tough professor at all. I do recommend him, even though I heard Park was easier. (P.S., the curve ALWAYS helps you)
Ascenbrenner is a really nice guy. The first day of the class, he tells you that the class is curved, and that scares the hell out of you because you know only a certain number of people will be getting A's and some people will definitely fail. But as you move along, it's not all that bad. He does a lot of proofs to try and get you to understand the math so you don't have to memorize any formulas. His tests were not really all that bad. I remember getting a question on the second midterm completely wrong because I flipped a minus sign to a plus sign, and I still got 9/10 points. Overall in the class, I had a test average of about 87% or 88%, and about 90% on the homework, and I ended up getting an A-. You'll end up learning a lot from him, and he's not really a tough professor at all. I do recommend him, even though I heard Park was easier. (P.S., the curve ALWAYS helps you)
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2018 - Overall, this professor was decent a did a good job teaching the material. Although my background in math was mediocre at best, she really did try and teach calculus in a way that was easy to understand. In addition, she also made her tests as clear and concise as possible and graded the class on a curve. I would take another class with her again.
Spring 2018 - Overall, this professor was decent a did a good job teaching the material. Although my background in math was mediocre at best, she really did try and teach calculus in a way that was easy to understand. In addition, she also made her tests as clear and concise as possible and graded the class on a curve. I would take another class with her again.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2017 - This professor is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY difficult. As you all know, Math 31A was just a review. Biskup expects you to be a master of 31A so when you first arrive to class he throws at you insanely difficult homework which can only be done if you go to his office hours. And you can't take notes at those office hours. The medians on the midterms were around 40 and there are 3 of them. Although, this class is only 4 units, it takes some serious effort to pass it. If you do decide to take this class, do the homework. Know how to do EVERY SINGLE problem without any aid and go to his office hours. Do not make the same mistakes i did.
Winter 2017 - This professor is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY difficult. As you all know, Math 31A was just a review. Biskup expects you to be a master of 31A so when you first arrive to class he throws at you insanely difficult homework which can only be done if you go to his office hours. And you can't take notes at those office hours. The medians on the midterms were around 40 and there are 3 of them. Although, this class is only 4 units, it takes some serious effort to pass it. If you do decide to take this class, do the homework. Know how to do EVERY SINGLE problem without any aid and go to his office hours. Do not make the same mistakes i did.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - THE ONLY PROFESSOR YOU SHOULD NEVER TAKE A CLASS WITH. TRUST ME. I'm a math major and I had to work my ass off to salvage a B. Plus, the guy is a dick. On the first midterm, like 50% of the class got an A- or more, so he announced that too many people did well so he was gonna make the second midterm MUCH tougher so that people wouldn't do well. He is the ONLY professor I have ever met who WANTS the students to fail. Honestly, I have ZERO respect for this man and I would never wish this hell upon anyone.
Fall 2019 - THE ONLY PROFESSOR YOU SHOULD NEVER TAKE A CLASS WITH. TRUST ME. I'm a math major and I had to work my ass off to salvage a B. Plus, the guy is a dick. On the first midterm, like 50% of the class got an A- or more, so he announced that too many people did well so he was gonna make the second midterm MUCH tougher so that people wouldn't do well. He is the ONLY professor I have ever met who WANTS the students to fail. Honestly, I have ZERO respect for this man and I would never wish this hell upon anyone.
Most Helpful Review
Math 31A and Math 31B with him. I got at least 3 or 4 past Brown midterms or finals before each midterm and final in this class and the ones I took with Brown this year (10F 11W) have been much much harder. He does recycle the type of problems but just makes them a lot harder or puts them together somehow. It isnt impossible though, I studied for 3 weeks straight for the final and got a B on it. I rarely went to lecture because he would spend most of the time doing proofs, and would end his lectures halfway through sections and also he would teach you the material with the hardest example of that problem he could come up with instead of showing us easier ones and progressing from there. I used the site patrickjmt to teach me all about series and other info I wasnt sure about and I was familiar with the material from taking AP Calc BC in high school. Also study your ass off for the final because its 50 percent and by far the hardest test. I learned that the hard way by going from a solid A to a C+ from the final in 31A.
Math 31A and Math 31B with him. I got at least 3 or 4 past Brown midterms or finals before each midterm and final in this class and the ones I took with Brown this year (10F 11W) have been much much harder. He does recycle the type of problems but just makes them a lot harder or puts them together somehow. It isnt impossible though, I studied for 3 weeks straight for the final and got a B on it. I rarely went to lecture because he would spend most of the time doing proofs, and would end his lectures halfway through sections and also he would teach you the material with the hardest example of that problem he could come up with instead of showing us easier ones and progressing from there. I used the site patrickjmt to teach me all about series and other info I wasnt sure about and I was familiar with the material from taking AP Calc BC in high school. Also study your ass off for the final because its 50 percent and by far the hardest test. I learned that the hard way by going from a solid A to a C+ from the final in 31A.