Key Issues in K-12 Mathematics

Description: Seminar, two hours; fieldwork, two hours. Introduction to K-12 mathematics activity in U.S. Cultivation of interest in teaching through exploration of sequences of mathematical content and habits of mind taught in K-12. Analysis of sequences of topics in current California State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M), mathematical structures that underlie these sequences, and cognitive aspects of learning mathematics. Experience with professional mathematician's habits of mind outlined in CCSS-M (including proof and mathematical modeling), and effective strategies for teaching mathematics to diverse student groups. Fieldwork in local mathematics classroom arranged by Cal Teach program. P/NP grading.

Units: 3.0
1 of 1
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
1 of 1

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