Combustion Systems
Description: Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Enforced requisites: courses 103, 105A. Chemical thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures, premixed and diffusion flames, explosions and detonations, combustion chemistry, high explosives. Combustion processes in rocket, turbine, and internal combustion engines; heating applications. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2009 - Professor Smith made an OBVIOUS and BRUTAL Mistake during this class ! He does not understand the basic of dynamics! In the design project, the airplane we designed was too small to overcome the torque generated by the engine and the only two solutions (which I suggested to him): 1. Was to use two motor spin counter clockwise of each other. He rejected that by saying that would cost too much ! (LMFAO) 2. Use a wing with much larger wing span to resist the torque. He once again rejected my suggestion by saying that the wind tunnel was too small to accommodate that ! (ROFL) In the end, I had no choice but to do a complex CFD analysis and full CAD model to demonstrate my points. BTW, none of the students made a plane that can take off and fly for more than 2 seconds before spinning out of control, crash and burn ! I got my A in the class, but HATED this professor. He is rude, unintelligent and not care about this class and students ! Avoid him at all cost !
Spring 2009 - Professor Smith made an OBVIOUS and BRUTAL Mistake during this class ! He does not understand the basic of dynamics! In the design project, the airplane we designed was too small to overcome the torque generated by the engine and the only two solutions (which I suggested to him): 1. Was to use two motor spin counter clockwise of each other. He rejected that by saying that would cost too much ! (LMFAO) 2. Use a wing with much larger wing span to resist the torque. He once again rejected my suggestion by saying that the wind tunnel was too small to accommodate that ! (ROFL) In the end, I had no choice but to do a complex CFD analysis and full CAD model to demonstrate my points. BTW, none of the students made a plane that can take off and fly for more than 2 seconds before spinning out of control, crash and burn ! I got my A in the class, but HATED this professor. He is rude, unintelligent and not care about this class and students ! Avoid him at all cost !
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may be TA dependent.
Fall 2020 - Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may be TA dependent.