Advertising and Marketing Communications
Description: Lecture, three hours. Requisite: course 411. Detailed study of decisions regarding media and forms of advertising and marketing communications to develop integrated strategies. Review of use and effectiveness of advertising and communication tools. Evaluation of advertising and promotional policies from development through implementation. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2016 - I took Management 19 Fiat Lux with Professor Zhang. We met every other week and each session was insightful and made you really think about the ways that things are advertised and different methods. This class wasn't terribly difficult. I believe there were only 3 assignments and each were two pages long. It was stuff that you actually care about and want to write about, so it didn't feel like a chore. This class depends heavily on discussion and sharing research information so be ready to participate in class. I would take it again with Professor Zhang! I enjoyed his lecture style and recommend it to anybody looking for an interesting fiat lux.
Spring 2016 - I took Management 19 Fiat Lux with Professor Zhang. We met every other week and each session was insightful and made you really think about the ways that things are advertised and different methods. This class wasn't terribly difficult. I believe there were only 3 assignments and each were two pages long. It was stuff that you actually care about and want to write about, so it didn't feel like a chore. This class depends heavily on discussion and sharing research information so be ready to participate in class. I would take it again with Professor Zhang! I enjoyed his lecture style and recommend it to anybody looking for an interesting fiat lux.