MGMT 408
Financial Markets
Description: Lecture, three hours. Introduction to managerial finance. Topics include time value of money, discounting and present values, valuation of bonds and stocks, risk and return, construction of optimal portfolios, capital budgeting, and weighted average cost of capital. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Geske is without a doubt the worst, absolute WORST professor I have EVER had, on any subject, at any level, in my 17+ years of schooling. I cannot underscore the following enough: AVOID this professor like the plague. The man may be extremely knowledgable, but it will prove you NO consolation when you see that he has absolutely NO regard for your learning. He doesn't appear to want to be in the classroom, he doesn't appear to care if you get it or not. He is not open to ANY suggestions students make on how to make the course more effective for their learning. It is actually difficult to review this professor and still abide by the guidelines of this website, so I'm not sure whether this will post. The assignments were basic/straightforward, and he isn't a particularly hard grader, but his lectures consist of him *reading* (Bueller...Bueller) from his own notes, which he passes out to the class beforehand anyway. Essentially, unless you read slower in your head than the average person does out loud, you gain *nothing* by going to his classes. If you want to learn about finance (or his specialty, options markets), you are better off getting a textbook and teaching yourself. Homework assignments are problems from the textbook, time consuming but not totally unmanageable. He will outline what he says he'll put on his exams, then include things he explicitly said he wouldn't. He once neglected to show up for his OWN lecture! The professor in essence played hooky. I heard a rumor that he was ill, but no email sent out by support staff, nothing. I can promise you this: you can teach yourself finance better than Geske can. He may KNOW it......but by Joe Bruin he cannot teach it, and sadly doesn't appear to want to.
Geske is without a doubt the worst, absolute WORST professor I have EVER had, on any subject, at any level, in my 17+ years of schooling. I cannot underscore the following enough: AVOID this professor like the plague. The man may be extremely knowledgable, but it will prove you NO consolation when you see that he has absolutely NO regard for your learning. He doesn't appear to want to be in the classroom, he doesn't appear to care if you get it or not. He is not open to ANY suggestions students make on how to make the course more effective for their learning. It is actually difficult to review this professor and still abide by the guidelines of this website, so I'm not sure whether this will post. The assignments were basic/straightforward, and he isn't a particularly hard grader, but his lectures consist of him *reading* (Bueller...Bueller) from his own notes, which he passes out to the class beforehand anyway. Essentially, unless you read slower in your head than the average person does out loud, you gain *nothing* by going to his classes. If you want to learn about finance (or his specialty, options markets), you are better off getting a textbook and teaching yourself. Homework assignments are problems from the textbook, time consuming but not totally unmanageable. He will outline what he says he'll put on his exams, then include things he explicitly said he wouldn't. He once neglected to show up for his OWN lecture! The professor in essence played hooky. I heard a rumor that he was ill, but no email sent out by support staff, nothing. I can promise you this: you can teach yourself finance better than Geske can. He may KNOW it......but by Joe Bruin he cannot teach it, and sadly doesn't appear to want to.
Most Helpful Review
Santa-Clara comes off as arrogant to some students. I challenge every student to go talk to him in his office, he is not. He will go out of his way to help you. Don't be discouraged by some of the negative feedback. Take a chance. PSC, personality wise, has been my favorite prof. here. If he is arrogant then he is a little arrogant in a funny, cocky way. If you are sensitive or if your ego is huge, don't take his class. Inside he is really a big, cuddly, pussy cat. If you are nice, he will let you pet him. I mean look at his picture......does he look arrogant?
Santa-Clara comes off as arrogant to some students. I challenge every student to go talk to him in his office, he is not. He will go out of his way to help you. Don't be discouraged by some of the negative feedback. Take a chance. PSC, personality wise, has been my favorite prof. here. If he is arrogant then he is a little arrogant in a funny, cocky way. If you are sensitive or if your ego is huge, don't take his class. Inside he is really a big, cuddly, pussy cat. If you are nice, he will let you pet him. I mean look at his picture......does he look arrogant?