Honors Contracts
Description: Tutorial, three hours. Limited to students in College Honors Program. Designed as adjunct to upper-division lecture course. Individual study with lecture course instructor to explore topics in greater depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities. May be repeated for maximum of 4 units. Individual honors contract required. Honors content noted on transcript. Letter grading.
Units: 1.0
Units: 1.0
Most Helpful Review
I HAD TAMANOI FOR LS3...He is the HARDEST LS3 Professor out there. His tests are extremely difficult and require that you have a full understanding of the concepts. He asks stupid lab questions on his midterms too. And my TA said that when he teaches LS3 again, he will be the FIRST AND ONLY LS PROF to use that stupid CPR thing in 14BL that we all hate, and it will count for 8% of your grade. Wow. Take a different prof and wait a quarter if you must.
I HAD TAMANOI FOR LS3...He is the HARDEST LS3 Professor out there. His tests are extremely difficult and require that you have a full understanding of the concepts. He asks stupid lab questions on his midterms too. And my TA said that when he teaches LS3 again, he will be the FIRST AND ONLY LS PROF to use that stupid CPR thing in 14BL that we all hate, and it will count for 8% of your grade. Wow. Take a different prof and wait a quarter if you must.