Animal Physiology
Description: Lecture, three hours; laboratory, five hours. Requisites: Chemistry 14B and 14BL, or 20B and 30AL, 153A, Life Sciences 1, 2, 3, 23L, Physics 1C and 4BL, or 6C or 6CH. Not open for credit to students with credit for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 170 or to Physiological Science majors. Introduction to physiological principles, with emphasis on organ systems and intact organisms. Letter grading.
Units: 6.0
Units: 6.0
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2016 - Have the course reader and textbook for PHYSCI 166. Email me at Course Reader was for the Summer 2016 class Book is Animal Physiology 3rd Edition Hill/Wyse (may or may not be available. Amazing professor although I didn't do so well. He is very clear, and seemed like he truly wanted all his students to succeed.
Summer 2016 - Have the course reader and textbook for PHYSCI 166. Email me at Course Reader was for the Summer 2016 class Book is Animal Physiology 3rd Edition Hill/Wyse (may or may not be available. Amazing professor although I didn't do so well. He is very clear, and seemed like he truly wanted all his students to succeed.