Neurobiology of Sleep
Description: (Same as Neuroscience CM123.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: courses M101A and M101B or 111A and 111B or consent of instructor. Detailed look into science of sleep. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of falling asleep, many discrete brain structures involved in control of sleep wakefulness, and homeostatic regulation of sleep. How our sleep needs shaped by our evolutionary history, age, and gender. Latest insights into question of function of sleep, critical role sleep plays in memory formation and, close association between sleep and metabolism. Sleep disorders are considered as they provide insights into mechanisms underlying sleep. For background on science of sleep and circadian rhythms, completion of course C126 is highly recommended. Concurrently scheduled with course CM223. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - Took this class asynchronously, lectures were easy to follow and it was cool how they invited guest lecturers every week. There were weekly multiple choice quizzes and the midterm/final were papers (create an experiment and relate to lecture material) that weren't graded too harshly. Final presentation was presenting the purpose, methods, results, etc of a relevant paper.
Fall 2021 - Took this class asynchronously, lectures were easy to follow and it was cool how they invited guest lecturers every week. There were weekly multiple choice quizzes and the midterm/final were papers (create an experiment and relate to lecture material) that weren't graded too harshly. Final presentation was presenting the purpose, methods, results, etc of a relevant paper.