Electricity and Magnetism
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: courses 1A, 1B, and 1C (or 1AH, 1BH, and 1CH), 110A, Mathematics 32B, 33A, 33B. Faraday law and Maxwell equations. Propagation of electromagnetic radiation. Multipole radiation and radiation from an accelerated charge. Special theory of relativity. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Dr. Stenzel is professor most concerned with student learning that i have ever had. I don't know why he only has a 7 in that category, he should have a 10, hands down. His class isn't easy, but he knows his stuff. He's very available too if you have questions. Other than that, the class i took wasn't curved, so as long as you do the work, you'll do fine in the class.
Dr. Stenzel is professor most concerned with student learning that i have ever had. I don't know why he only has a 7 in that category, he should have a 10, hands down. His class isn't easy, but he knows his stuff. He's very available too if you have questions. Other than that, the class i took wasn't curved, so as long as you do the work, you'll do fine in the class.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - This is the worst class I've taken at UCLA. You are probably considering taking a class with VVV to become better at physics. Well, don't do that. You won't learn anything from his lectures. All he does is point at his lecture notes and mumble. His HOME ASSIGNMENTS (that's right, not homework, but HOME ASSIGNMENTS) are time consuming to say the least and will make you neglect all of your other classes. I know you are thinking that VVV will make you a better physics major, but trust me, you can just learn using the textbook with any other professor. This class truly sucked the living soul out of me, and I can't say I came out of it as a better student. Also, his exams are absolutely horrendous. After each exam, it felt like I was in the wrong class (and the wrong major). The average for the first midterm was ~58, the second ~43 and the third exam (non-cumulative "final" exam) ~40. He even sent us an email explaining how disappointed he was in our averages. It's completely his fault. He can't just mumble through the lectures without picking up a pen and expect people to follow along. Don't take this class, trust me.
Spring 2021 - This is the worst class I've taken at UCLA. You are probably considering taking a class with VVV to become better at physics. Well, don't do that. You won't learn anything from his lectures. All he does is point at his lecture notes and mumble. His HOME ASSIGNMENTS (that's right, not homework, but HOME ASSIGNMENTS) are time consuming to say the least and will make you neglect all of your other classes. I know you are thinking that VVV will make you a better physics major, but trust me, you can just learn using the textbook with any other professor. This class truly sucked the living soul out of me, and I can't say I came out of it as a better student. Also, his exams are absolutely horrendous. After each exam, it felt like I was in the wrong class (and the wrong major). The average for the first midterm was ~58, the second ~43 and the third exam (non-cumulative "final" exam) ~40. He even sent us an email explaining how disappointed he was in our averages. It's completely his fault. He can't just mumble through the lectures without picking up a pen and expect people to follow along. Don't take this class, trust me.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - This professor sucks. He starts on a topic and gets easily flustered by a mistake he makes on the board which derails the entire lecture. He MOSTLY follows Griffiths but copied the occasional Feynman lecture or 2 so make sure to reference that. Some lectures he actually provided derivations that were not in either resource which were appreciated. I basically gave up on attending lecture at all and used Griffiths and Feynman which was sufficient. Homework is almost always out of the book and exams are super fucking easy. Make sure to go carefully through the derivations on some stuff. I distinctly remember on the final you basically had to derive the radiation for a charged particle.
Spring 2019 - This professor sucks. He starts on a topic and gets easily flustered by a mistake he makes on the board which derails the entire lecture. He MOSTLY follows Griffiths but copied the occasional Feynman lecture or 2 so make sure to reference that. Some lectures he actually provided derivations that were not in either resource which were appreciated. I basically gave up on attending lecture at all and used Griffiths and Feynman which was sufficient. Homework is almost always out of the book and exams are super fucking easy. Make sure to go carefully through the derivations on some stuff. I distinctly remember on the final you basically had to derive the radiation for a charged particle.