Research Tutorial: Solid Earth Physics
Description: Tutorial, one hour. Required of each graduate student doing research in this field. One-hour presentation by students either on their ongoing research or on agreed on topic. Students answer critical questions and participate in critical examination of research. May be repeated for credit. S/U grading.
Units: 2.0
Units: 2.0
Most Helpful Review
i took astro 4 with ulrich. his lectures are extremely boring because of his monotone voice and ... the general lifelessness of the lecture hall. however, its the easiest class ever. grading: weekly online quizzes two midterms: question are generally from the weekly quizzes final: pretty much from the quizzes and the midterms. thats it. take it. and just do the weekly assignment. dont bother going to class. give your clicker to someone or trade off.
i took astro 4 with ulrich. his lectures are extremely boring because of his monotone voice and ... the general lifelessness of the lecture hall. however, its the easiest class ever. grading: weekly online quizzes two midterms: question are generally from the weekly quizzes final: pretty much from the quizzes and the midterms. thats it. take it. and just do the weekly assignment. dont bother going to class. give your clicker to someone or trade off.