Research Design Seminar for Honors Thesis
Description: Seminar, four hours. Preparation: one course in 191 series, 3.5 grade-point average in upper-division political science courses, eligibility for Letters and Science honors. Required of all students who wish to write honors thesis. Students define their research topic, select suitable research method, determine appropriate sources of information, prepare research proposal, find thesis director, begin their research, and submit progress reports or preliminary drafts. Class sessions emphasize critical and constructive discussions of students' topics, methods, and problems in research, as well as general consideration of political science research topics and methods of current or continuing interest. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - Definitely a lot to consider before taking this course. I'd recommend finding someone who has done the PS honors program and talk to them before. Professor James will be extremely helpful in refining your topic and working on the proposal. Course consists of 5 biweekly assignments that are about 3-4 pages each, which you combine into your final 10-12 page research proposal at the end. Very different and interesting experience - would recommend.
Spring 2021 - Definitely a lot to consider before taking this course. I'd recommend finding someone who has done the PS honors program and talk to them before. Professor James will be extremely helpful in refining your topic and working on the proposal. Course consists of 5 biweekly assignments that are about 3-4 pages each, which you combine into your final 10-12 page research proposal at the end. Very different and interesting experience - would recommend.