Stress and Bodily Disease
Most Helpful Review
Fantastic professor! He is very gentle and soft-spoken but VERY approachable and concerned about your learning. He is very available and really seems to love his work. The class, needless to say, is truly interesting stuff. His tests are almost TOO fair. They are comprised of MC, short answer, fill-in, and short essay. Sounds scary, but they are really straightforward and dare I say, fun. Tests are straight from his lectures and the book (which was really fun to read - "Why Zebras Don\355t Get Ulcers"). Great class and great professor....highly recommended!
Fantastic professor! He is very gentle and soft-spoken but VERY approachable and concerned about your learning. He is very available and really seems to love his work. The class, needless to say, is truly interesting stuff. His tests are almost TOO fair. They are comprised of MC, short answer, fill-in, and short essay. Sounds scary, but they are really straightforward and dare I say, fun. Tests are straight from his lectures and the book (which was really fun to read - "Why Zebras Don\355t Get Ulcers"). Great class and great professor....highly recommended!