American Society
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Analysis of major institutions in the U.S. in historical and international perspective, with emphasis on topics such as industrialization, work, state, politics, community, family, religion, and American culture. Theories of social change, conflict, and order applied to case of the U.S. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
I really enjoyed professor Halle's class. Don't be alarmed by the amount of reading assigned for this class. Just concentrate on the study guide. Do it and you should be fine. Find a reliable person to split the study guide with. The questions for the quizzes come mostly from the study guide and a few from lectures, so always attend them. Halle made his class very interesting. He managed to mix presidential campaigns and the movie Ironman into one class. The projects were somewhat long but very interesting. Halle also gives you a chance to score some major extra credit points (up to 7%!) by doing a speech in front of the class. I ended up with an A+ without doing the speech, but doing a speech wouldn't have been so bad. Everything in this class is worth 20% (midterm, 2 quizzes, 2 projects) which helps relieve a lot of stress. Again, Halle is an amazing professor and I highly recommened you take this class.
I really enjoyed professor Halle's class. Don't be alarmed by the amount of reading assigned for this class. Just concentrate on the study guide. Do it and you should be fine. Find a reliable person to split the study guide with. The questions for the quizzes come mostly from the study guide and a few from lectures, so always attend them. Halle made his class very interesting. He managed to mix presidential campaigns and the movie Ironman into one class. The projects were somewhat long but very interesting. Halle also gives you a chance to score some major extra credit points (up to 7%!) by doing a speech in front of the class. I ended up with an A+ without doing the speech, but doing a speech wouldn't have been so bad. Everything in this class is worth 20% (midterm, 2 quizzes, 2 projects) which helps relieve a lot of stress. Again, Halle is an amazing professor and I highly recommened you take this class.