Psychological Systems of Acting: Foundations
Description: Studio, six hours. Requisites: courses 24A, 24B, 25. Development of acting skills through sense memory, personalization, action, and objective exercises. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - I love April, she's so sweet. The main thing I learned from doing scenes in this class is the use of the inner monologue as a hook into the scene. You can't be tardy or miss more than one class which sucks if you have an actual audition. I will say that was the one qualm with the class. That and you have to tell her you're using the bathroom. Also, you have to take a ton of notes of which is kinda repetitive. Overall, this class is great.
Spring 2019 - I love April, she's so sweet. The main thing I learned from doing scenes in this class is the use of the inner monologue as a hook into the scene. You can't be tardy or miss more than one class which sucks if you have an actual audition. I will say that was the one qualm with the class. That and you have to tell her you're using the bathroom. Also, you have to take a ton of notes of which is kinda repetitive. Overall, this class is great.