Legislative Theater for Race and Gender Justice

Description: (Same as African American Studies CM213B.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Exploration and application of range of interactive methods and arts-based strategies with participants from UCLA and broader Los Angeles community in order to research and influence public policy and legislative change. Students and campus partners create and perform legislative theater addressing issues of race, gender, and criminal justice system. Critical texts, collaborative work, and creative methods are used to engage perspectives on justice. Analysis of diverse and growing body of work on systems of justice through research, writing, workshops, performances, and critiques of own original writings and performances developed in response to visiting scholars and community partners. Concurrently scheduled with course CM113B. S/U or letter grading.

Units: 5.0
1 of 1
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
1 of 1

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