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Aaron Meyer
Based on 4 Users
As with most labs, the whether you enjoy this class or not depends on the TA that you have. Dr. Meyer is very fair with fairly easy tests that are not cumulative, and cover lecture material. He holds review sessions and explains what to study. The class is a bit scattered and felt like we were just learning the surface level of many complex topics. Like, I felt like when we learned about linear regression and standard deviation, as well as stress-strain, the questions had the opportunity to be really hard, but they always ended up being fairly straightforward. Lecture is often boring and feels like it should only be an hour long, but the labs themselves are enjoyable and often get out early. Report guidelines are almost never clear, but graded generously so its ok. Also, be sure to start the lab reports early. There are only 3 over the span of 12 labs, so you think you can start it the night before but they often take around 8 hours or so, so I recommend starting it at least one day early, probably two.
Professor Meyer is one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. The class format during COVID is much different than normal, so I don't think my review will be very applicable for future classes. In short though, this is a class where you truly can learn a lot about how to be a bioengineering researcher if you put the appropriate effort into it, and I am assuming that advice will translate over to this class being in-person again soon.
As with most labs, the whether you enjoy this class or not depends on the TA that you have. Dr. Meyer is very fair with fairly easy tests that are not cumulative, and cover lecture material. He holds review sessions and explains what to study. The class is a bit scattered and felt like we were just learning the surface level of many complex topics. Like, I felt like when we learned about linear regression and standard deviation, as well as stress-strain, the questions had the opportunity to be really hard, but they always ended up being fairly straightforward. Lecture is often boring and feels like it should only be an hour long, but the labs themselves are enjoyable and often get out early. Report guidelines are almost never clear, but graded generously so its ok. Also, be sure to start the lab reports early. There are only 3 over the span of 12 labs, so you think you can start it the night before but they often take around 8 hours or so, so I recommend starting it at least one day early, probably two.
Professor Meyer is one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. The class format during COVID is much different than normal, so I don't think my review will be very applicable for future classes. In short though, this is a class where you truly can learn a lot about how to be a bioengineering researcher if you put the appropriate effort into it, and I am assuming that advice will translate over to this class being in-person again soon.