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- Abby Kavner
Based on 8 Users
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She comes to class with great intentions. Everyday a smile on her face, and an open persona ready to field numerous questions. This begins to serve detrimental when She encourages questions so much so that the lecture plan for the day gets abandoned. So, she is a very kind, caring, and helpful person, but her dynamic about questions completely undermines a structured itinerary. In summary, she is a great professor but still a bit naive. She will be amazing when she learns more discipline and structure. The class, ESS9, is extremely entertaining and very EASY. Lecture gets boring, solely because it starts at 9:30, which is way to early for me. TAKE THIS CLASS, TAKE ANY CLASS WITH KAVNER. She is helpful and easy.
She comes to class with great intentions. Everyday a smile on her face, and an open persona ready to field numerous questions. This begins to serve detrimental when She encourages questions so much so that the lecture plan for the day gets abandoned. So, she is a very kind, caring, and helpful person, but her dynamic about questions completely undermines a structured itinerary. In summary, she is a great professor but still a bit naive. She will be amazing when she learns more discipline and structure. The class, ESS9, is extremely entertaining and very EASY. Lecture gets boring, solely because it starts at 9:30, which is way to early for me. TAKE THIS CLASS, TAKE ANY CLASS WITH KAVNER. She is helpful and easy.
Based on 8 Users
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