Amber Reilly
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - With the slightest of caution, I entered the zoom. So far so good, this material I knew. I was doing pretty good until I wondered where’s the slides? No slides but notes, and drawings as a guide. It wasn’t too hard, 4 mechanisms being explained, but that midterm was a level 100 boss to my campaign. 70% the average she said, just try harder next time so get it in your head. The premed’s they fought and in the GroupMe they wept, this woman Reilly will tear you to shreds. She SN2’d my ass to the point where I stopped going to class. She hit me from the back like a backside attack, and man o man yeah that was pretty wack. After the 1st midterm, the diction became gobbledygook, confusing the class and each chapter got me shook. I did my best, flashcards and such, I lay restless from studying with the grass that I touch. Memorize she said and try not to get lazy, she spent a great deal in class lecturing about Kacey. And editing all day on the day of the exam, Reilly is unorganized when we’re all going ham. The missing of tardy posts and to the students’ demise, no surprise she will ignore all of your cries. And now I sit in silence with my 30 sum percent, it’s that time of the year, I give up Reilly for Lent.
Winter 2022 - With the slightest of caution, I entered the zoom. So far so good, this material I knew. I was doing pretty good until I wondered where’s the slides? No slides but notes, and drawings as a guide. It wasn’t too hard, 4 mechanisms being explained, but that midterm was a level 100 boss to my campaign. 70% the average she said, just try harder next time so get it in your head. The premed’s they fought and in the GroupMe they wept, this woman Reilly will tear you to shreds. She SN2’d my ass to the point where I stopped going to class. She hit me from the back like a backside attack, and man o man yeah that was pretty wack. After the 1st midterm, the diction became gobbledygook, confusing the class and each chapter got me shook. I did my best, flashcards and such, I lay restless from studying with the grass that I touch. Memorize she said and try not to get lazy, she spent a great deal in class lecturing about Kacey. And editing all day on the day of the exam, Reilly is unorganized when we’re all going ham. The missing of tardy posts and to the students’ demise, no surprise she will ignore all of your cries. And now I sit in silence with my 30 sum percent, it’s that time of the year, I give up Reilly for Lent.
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2019 - HI Ya'll, I know you guys are on here because you're curious about professor Reilly so I'll give my honest review. Professor Reilly is great, she does soo much for her students to pass the class and I highly recommend going to office hours, especially over the summer if that's when you decide to take the class. I've taken her for both 30A and 30B over the summer. It's great because you definitely get to have more one on one time with her, as opposed to a regular academic quarter where theres over 200 students that require attention for such a tough course. For anyone who is taking her for the first time, please do not worry if you didn't do so well on the first exam. Focus on the average and try to go above that, only because her grading scale will be adjusted. So for example, if the average to her 2nd exam is a 55%, then anyone who received a 55% got a B- on the exam and anyone who received lets say a 75% or higher would because considered an A. Don't worry guys, my first time around I cried because I did not understand her scale adjustment, but you'll be fine as long as you put in your best foot forward. Please enjoy the class and appreciate the time you have with professor Reilly, because I honestly believe there's not too many professors like her. She's awesome, but don't forget its Organic Chemistry!
Summer 2019 - HI Ya'll, I know you guys are on here because you're curious about professor Reilly so I'll give my honest review. Professor Reilly is great, she does soo much for her students to pass the class and I highly recommend going to office hours, especially over the summer if that's when you decide to take the class. I've taken her for both 30A and 30B over the summer. It's great because you definitely get to have more one on one time with her, as opposed to a regular academic quarter where theres over 200 students that require attention for such a tough course. For anyone who is taking her for the first time, please do not worry if you didn't do so well on the first exam. Focus on the average and try to go above that, only because her grading scale will be adjusted. So for example, if the average to her 2nd exam is a 55%, then anyone who received a 55% got a B- on the exam and anyone who received lets say a 75% or higher would because considered an A. Don't worry guys, my first time around I cried because I did not understand her scale adjustment, but you'll be fine as long as you put in your best foot forward. Please enjoy the class and appreciate the time you have with professor Reilly, because I honestly believe there's not too many professors like her. She's awesome, but don't forget its Organic Chemistry!
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - Professor Reilly is the best professor I've had during my time at UCLA. If you have the opportunity to take this class with her, I would 100% recommend it. I would take her class again in a heartbeat. She really cares about her students and has been very accommodating during the pandemic. She holds office hours after class and during the weekend. We had 3 different types of assessment -- 5 Take-Home Assessments, 5 In-Class Assessments, 6 BACON. Take-Home Assessments were completion and she held workshops after they were due to go over each problem. In-Class Assessments were completed in 1 hour during class time. These were pretty challenging, but as I adapted to her testing/teaching method, it became easier over time. BACON worked to integrate our course materials with real-life, and although these were not for completion, they were very easy and took only 20 minutes. She also shows us pictures of her dog Kasey, who is absolutely adorable, during lecture. She gave numerous extra credit assignments including completing evaluations and memes/drawing.
Fall 2020 - Professor Reilly is the best professor I've had during my time at UCLA. If you have the opportunity to take this class with her, I would 100% recommend it. I would take her class again in a heartbeat. She really cares about her students and has been very accommodating during the pandemic. She holds office hours after class and during the weekend. We had 3 different types of assessment -- 5 Take-Home Assessments, 5 In-Class Assessments, 6 BACON. Take-Home Assessments were completion and she held workshops after they were due to go over each problem. In-Class Assessments were completed in 1 hour during class time. These were pretty challenging, but as I adapted to her testing/teaching method, it became easier over time. BACON worked to integrate our course materials with real-life, and although these were not for completion, they were very easy and took only 20 minutes. She also shows us pictures of her dog Kasey, who is absolutely adorable, during lecture. She gave numerous extra credit assignments including completing evaluations and memes/drawing.
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2020 - Dr. Reilly was incredibly kind and offered a bunch of extra credit as well as a completion for all our problem sets rather than being graded for correctness. She made everything open book and compiled all the reactions but somehow still managed to make the tests hard which is honestly probably good for learning because you still had to spend time studying rather than just using everything she gave you. I did most of the practice problems in the book and flashcards and that helped me a ton! However, I'm not sure if this applies to her other classes, but since it was summer, the information was PACKED. Like, I used to watch my math lectures at 2x speed but here I barely managed 1.5 and had to stop a lot because the information was so incredibly dense and with little breaks, making the 2 hour lectures straight a bit rough. Overall, awesome class and good prof, but definitely still hard, good luck!
Summer 2020 - Dr. Reilly was incredibly kind and offered a bunch of extra credit as well as a completion for all our problem sets rather than being graded for correctness. She made everything open book and compiled all the reactions but somehow still managed to make the tests hard which is honestly probably good for learning because you still had to spend time studying rather than just using everything she gave you. I did most of the practice problems in the book and flashcards and that helped me a ton! However, I'm not sure if this applies to her other classes, but since it was summer, the information was PACKED. Like, I used to watch my math lectures at 2x speed but here I barely managed 1.5 and had to stop a lot because the information was so incredibly dense and with little breaks, making the 2 hour lectures straight a bit rough. Overall, awesome class and good prof, but definitely still hard, good luck!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Reilly is very passionate about the class, and she often shared about her experience in the field. This class is in no way "easy", but through the help of Reilly and my TAs, I found the class very enjoyable. Each week, you have a 1 hour lecture with Reilly and a 4 hour lab with the TAs. However, most of the labs did not take the full time. For the one week labs, you have a pre-lab and a post-lab due. Most of the lab write-ups are straight-forward, requiring that you report your data and analyze it. A portion of the lab write-up includes a "digging deeper" section, in which you google some information related to the lab and answer questions. The TAs are picky with the grading, so try to be as clear and thorough with your responses. I was able to get mid 90s to 100% on the labs, where I lost most of my points when processing my NMR data. You also need to do a presentation about one of the labs at the end of the quarter. There is no midterm, but there is a final exam. The final covered the material rather evenly. She prepares you well by posting worksheets for each lecture's material and exams from past years with answers. Her class is straight scale, and it is quite difficult to earn an A in the class because if you are not careful, you will lose points here and there and that builds up. She is very helpful in her office hours especially if you do not know how to read your NMR spectra. She also showed many demos in the lecture, which were interesting. I learned a lot about the applications of organic chemistry to different fields, and I would highly recommend this course to those who are looking into research.
Winter 2019 - Reilly is very passionate about the class, and she often shared about her experience in the field. This class is in no way "easy", but through the help of Reilly and my TAs, I found the class very enjoyable. Each week, you have a 1 hour lecture with Reilly and a 4 hour lab with the TAs. However, most of the labs did not take the full time. For the one week labs, you have a pre-lab and a post-lab due. Most of the lab write-ups are straight-forward, requiring that you report your data and analyze it. A portion of the lab write-up includes a "digging deeper" section, in which you google some information related to the lab and answer questions. The TAs are picky with the grading, so try to be as clear and thorough with your responses. I was able to get mid 90s to 100% on the labs, where I lost most of my points when processing my NMR data. You also need to do a presentation about one of the labs at the end of the quarter. There is no midterm, but there is a final exam. The final covered the material rather evenly. She prepares you well by posting worksheets for each lecture's material and exams from past years with answers. Her class is straight scale, and it is quite difficult to earn an A in the class because if you are not careful, you will lose points here and there and that builds up. She is very helpful in her office hours especially if you do not know how to read your NMR spectra. She also showed many demos in the lecture, which were interesting. I learned a lot about the applications of organic chemistry to different fields, and I would highly recommend this course to those who are looking into research.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - Professor Reilly is amazing. She is very clear and articulate in her office hours about what she is looking for in her pre-lab and post-lab assignments, and she's really engaging with topics that expand out of CHEM 30CL to relate concepts to outside applications i.e. industry, pharmaceuticals, etc. Additionally, Professor Reilly is very empathetic, accommodating, and a pretty chill professor to strike a conversation with. Although I was unable to take this class in a practical laboratory setting due to pandemic reasons, this course was very enriching with cooler and more exciting organic chemistry concepts and lab knowledge compared to CHEM 30BL ( offense). In all, there are some things that are less appealing in virtual CHEM 30CL such as troubleshooting issues that come from TopSpin (yea... still as annoying as in CHEM 30BL) and virtual lab sections, which is slightly less exciting and engaging compared to practical lab sections. However, if you ever have the chance to take CHEM 30CL with Professor Reilly, please do! Side note: If you want to see a ton of dog pics especially greyhounds to motivate your spirits, this is probably the course for you!
Fall 2020 - Professor Reilly is amazing. She is very clear and articulate in her office hours about what she is looking for in her pre-lab and post-lab assignments, and she's really engaging with topics that expand out of CHEM 30CL to relate concepts to outside applications i.e. industry, pharmaceuticals, etc. Additionally, Professor Reilly is very empathetic, accommodating, and a pretty chill professor to strike a conversation with. Although I was unable to take this class in a practical laboratory setting due to pandemic reasons, this course was very enriching with cooler and more exciting organic chemistry concepts and lab knowledge compared to CHEM 30BL ( offense). In all, there are some things that are less appealing in virtual CHEM 30CL such as troubleshooting issues that come from TopSpin (yea... still as annoying as in CHEM 30BL) and virtual lab sections, which is slightly less exciting and engaging compared to practical lab sections. However, if you ever have the chance to take CHEM 30CL with Professor Reilly, please do! Side note: If you want to see a ton of dog pics especially greyhounds to motivate your spirits, this is probably the course for you!