Andrew Ainsworth
Most Helpful Review
Ainsworth is the only professor that teaches 100A during the summer. Honestly, I came into the class scared out of my pants because I have NEVER taken a statistics class ever! However, it was actually more doable than I thought it would be. He talks about concepts a lot in lecture, but omg, only remember those that are important because the rest are pointless. .. The only important thing you really need to know are the equations and finding F, t values. Know how to conduct all the analysis tests like ANOVA, factorial, regression, etc. THOSE ARE THE THINGS THAT MATTER MOST! If you understand how to apply the equations, then you will understand the class. So like the person below mentioned, grade depends on the midterm, final, quizzes, and participation. DO THE EXTRA CREDIT!!!! DO ALL EXTRA CREDIT! I honestly would not have gotten a B in this class if there was NO extra credit !! I failed the midterm and was sh**ting in my pants because I thought I was going to fail the class, but thank god I did well on the final and did all the extra credit on the tests as well as the psych study extra credit. But yes, so its a DOABLE Class! do all extra credit and know how to apply all the equations and you should be fine (:
Ainsworth is the only professor that teaches 100A during the summer. Honestly, I came into the class scared out of my pants because I have NEVER taken a statistics class ever! However, it was actually more doable than I thought it would be. He talks about concepts a lot in lecture, but omg, only remember those that are important because the rest are pointless. .. The only important thing you really need to know are the equations and finding F, t values. Know how to conduct all the analysis tests like ANOVA, factorial, regression, etc. THOSE ARE THE THINGS THAT MATTER MOST! If you understand how to apply the equations, then you will understand the class. So like the person below mentioned, grade depends on the midterm, final, quizzes, and participation. DO THE EXTRA CREDIT!!!! DO ALL EXTRA CREDIT! I honestly would not have gotten a B in this class if there was NO extra credit !! I failed the midterm and was sh**ting in my pants because I thought I was going to fail the class, but thank god I did well on the final and did all the extra credit on the tests as well as the psych study extra credit. But yes, so its a DOABLE Class! do all extra credit and know how to apply all the equations and you should be fine (: